Using Props in Your Yoga Practice

As a beginner or experienced yogi there are always advantages of using props.. Mine explains the benefits..

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Props are tools such as belts, blocks, bolsters blankets even wall or chair that we prefer to use during our practice.

There are many reasons that you may want to use props in your own flow.

As a beginner or experienced yogi there are always advantages of using props.

To create more balance or stability, to improve mobility and straighten your alignment, to open parts of your limbs and body that are not as flexible as required. Props not only support us and creates balance, they help us to enhance in the asanas and achieve deeper and advanced versions of them.

There are many yogis I met mistakenly thinking that they don’t need to use any props as they are practicing for long time and are known as advanced yogis. But don’t forget , our bodies ( and mind) is never in the same condition everyday. Because of this or that reason, you may not want to go deeper in your practice, you may not feel grounded or stabile, you may be trying to practice an advanced posture, you may be injured. We can call many reasons of why a little support will be handy and will make your flow far better and safer journey.

So please don’t be scared of using supports, don’t underestimate the benefits you will gain with using them.


When you need to come closer to the floor, to reach to the safety and solidness of the earth you can choose to use blocks.

It will support your body, will make you feel more balanced an stabil and improve your focus. There are many postures you can use blocks for, laying on the floor, standing or seated postures. Why not add these in your regular practice to see the difference in your asanas?


Bolsters or pillows are fantastic tools when you need to rest your body into a softer posture. They help you to release, let go, and also create openness.

Especially when practicing Yin , during meditation, when the body needs extra support.


Or can call them straps, will help you to deepen the flexibility.they will reduce the muscle tension. They are great help especially when focusing on hamstrings, shoulders. Also can use them to enhance   some standing balance postures.


Just like bolsters they help to soften, toget grounded in your posture. Also, very useful during Savasana or some Yin postures.

Don’t forget, so many  solid, stable objects  around you, can be a prop. Walls, chairs, boxes, trees… just use your imagination..!

By Published On: April 1st, 2024Categories: News0 Comments on Using Props in Your Yoga Practice

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